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Aug 27, 2014

How To Create A Good Landing Page

People make snap judgements. It takes only 1/10th of a second to form a first impression about a person, and websites are no different. Studies found that the simpler the design, the better.

The human brain chooses to think about things that are easy to digest and understand. That is why you prefer visiting sites where you instinctively know where everything is and you know what actions you’re supposed to take.

So, how can we achieve that?

Build Strong Visual Hierarchy. Always rank elements on your website based on your business objective. Set specific goals to help you prioritize what is important. Here is how it can be done:

Keep it clear.
In order to ensure your objective is achieved, these are the design elements you typically want to have on your landing page:
  • 1 benefit-oriented headline
  • Sub-headline or intro paragraph that lays out the specifics of the offer
  • 1-2 paragraphs of body copy
  • Bullet list with 3 items
  • 1 large image or video
  • 1 email capture form with a single call to action button
Utilize your own colors and typeface to communicate clearly.
Do not add copy and/or images unless it communicates something your visitor actually cares about.

Always keep mobile devices in mind.
Tablets and smartphones are taking on a large share of web traffic, and it just keeps growing. Make sure your design is mobile responsive.

Aug 19, 2014

How to Design A Harley-Davidson Bike

Aug 19, 2014 6:16 PM Posted by Unknown , , ,

A rough guide for aspiring motorcycle-designers

Ok, not really. The challenge is actually to design a commuting experience for motorcyclists in sudden rain.

For inspiration, first do the below:
1. Stuff your face with kuih-muih (thanks boss!)
2. Drink 7 cups of coffee / milo
3. Play futsal and take photos to post on social media later.

The chart below for guidance:

Step 1: Empathise — Getting out and talking to customers directly
Then, step out into the streets! Interview anyone you can get hold of, including car mechanics (no success), money changers (success!!), etc. Remember to pepper your interview with a few personal questions in order for them not to find out about your real objective. Just go with the flow, watch out for snatch thieves, etc.

Step 2: Define — Defining a problem statement based on empathy work
Ok, now that you have sweated enough for the week, it’s time to get back into an air-conditioned environment. Now, discuss in a team (remember to assemble a team beforehand) about the results of your interview.

Step 3: Ideate a.k.a. Brainstorming
Refrain from judging your teammate’s silly ideas.

These might help:
A. Iteration (Keep improving a prototype)
B. Inferring (Putting our personal assumption into a neutral scenario)

Here we are, hard at work:

Step 4: Prototype a.k.a The really fun part / waking up from lunch coma
Ok, now is the time to test your design. Will your proposed waterproof spray work in real life? Is it marketable? How do you show your design’s benefits using only wigs, plastic bottles and polystyrene?

(We don’t know either, but the other team did a pretty good job.)

Not bad, Team 2, not bad. *Korean death stare.

Step 5: Test – Getting out and testing the prototypes with users
Our proposed design, The Ultimate Scarf™, did not break even after testing with the focus groups since the seat was a metal chair. (Obviously not the most hardworking team lol).

Feedback for Prototype 1 (a rainbow slinky around the neck):
1. EHH what is this?! Trying to kill me ah??
2. Is this going to smear my makeup (I know. HAHHHAHA. Just trying to save lives here.)
3. The screen (a plastic wrap) is too close to my face. I can’t see the GPS (some marker drawing on the plastic).

Take note of all the feedback, good and bad, and work on the improvements. Good design does not happen in one day, except in workshops.

Our end product sample (photo shown for sample only):

Now, ending this post with a quote and since we all love Steve…

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. 
— Steve Jobs

Aug 18, 2014

Beat The Monday Blues: 15 Inspiring Design Quotes

Aug 18, 2014 10:25 AM Posted by Unknown , ,

We all need a bit of design inspiration from time to time. If you're stuck in a creative cul de sac, take a read through these inspiring design quotes. Real wisdom, from some of the worlds greatest designers. Enjoy, then go and create great work!

Inspired by GLOW, New Media.

Aug 12, 2014

Aug 7, 2014

Calling For: Front End Web Developers!

Aug 7, 2014 9:49 AM Posted by Unknown

Basic Requirements:

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, Master's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology,
  • Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Science & Technology or equivalent.
  • Well versed in HTML, CSS and JQuery.
  • Fresh Graduates or Experienced Talent are welcomed.
If you've got all that fits the bill,, please drop us an e-mail with your resume at We look forward to meet you real soon.