Image by Camdiluv
Don't get us wrong here. What we are about to share here today is about the choice of leadership, and in this case, at work.
While we are often fed with the idea that people and processes need to be crude, cold and emotionless in the business world, we beg to differ.
It's all about the choice we make, that is, to get things running with the power of Love or Fear in your organization.
A company which is driven by Fear often produce resistance among team members. It may be an effective motivator at the beginning but it loses its impact in the long run because we will eventually give up trying to do a good job, especially when you know your supervisor will end up screaming at us no matter how hard we try.
On the contrary, Love works the exactly the opposite. Love builds positive social interactions between people and knit team members closer together. Love begets love. A workplace filled with care and trust give us great comfort to give deliver the best to the team, as well as to the organization.
Having that said, XiMnet strengthened this value system at work by having a small in-house #LoveAtWork initiative to show our love and appreciation among the team members. Check out how some of our team members put love into action!

So, how would you like to run your organization?