Christmas is the season of giving. How would you like to help the needy? Here are some possible ways to share the love and joy to those you are in need.
World Vision - Various Ways To Give.

Whether you are interested to S
ponsor A Child or contribute through
Gifts of Hope, your action impact a life. Your gifts will be going to countries like India, Laos, Lesotho, Malaysia, Mongolia and Myanmar.
Teach For Malaysia - Play A Part In Ending Education Inequity In Malaysia.

Have you always wished that you can play a role in providing quality education for the children of Malaysia? Good news!
Teach For Malaysia Fellowship Application for 2014 is now open. Applicants must hold a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree to apply. Else, you can consider helping through
Online Donation.
SPCA - Protecting Defenseless Animals.

Are you an animal lover? If yes, how about providing better homes to the strays by contributing through SPCA? Beside
Financial Donation, you can also opt to help by sponsoring useful supplies to the shelter such as Old Newspapers, Shampoos, Towels and Food. View full list
We wish you a Joyful Christmas and Abundant Blessings in years to come.