I gotta say, the 1st half of 2011 passed so fast I don't quite remember what happened... Well OK I do remember but maybe it's not that spectacular.

Not memorable.

But I intend to make the 2nd half a lot more exciting, and to prove the point, we actually headed East
to Bukit Gambang, Pahang for a Retreat, all 12 of us. And it was a hoot!
We reviewed our strategy and to-do-list and made a collective promise to push for the next 5 months to deliver on our Product Development aka Nimbus or XTOPIA in the Cloud. It is a 3-tiered software se
rvices model that, when we get it shipped, will transform XIMNET from a project-focused company to a software services global setup.
Sure, we dream BIG.
And yes, we've also promised to ACT BIG TIME to achieve our goals.
During the trip, we tinkled with our Design Direction with a user-focused philosophy that will outline our UX Manifesto, sharpened our Marketing Focus with Mobile offerings, and most of all, laid the foundation for our R&D to transform the company, as mentioned above.
And over the next 5 months, Deborah & I will be a lot more diligent in posting our thoughts and journey snippets and you will see that we will be sharing the highs and lows of this ambitious journey.
And I will be working on publishing 3 eBooks to be shared with you.
More details to come...
And here's for a wildly exciting 5 months before we wrap for the year with wine and Christmas holidays.
I will end with a group photo of the team at Bukit Gambang. Here you go.